Dhamma Letter No. 40
Contemplation of the Mind(Cittānupassanā) in Vipassana Meditation 1: 회향 share merit
From this Dhamma letter we will discuss cittānupassanā (Observing the mind).
In 2020, Ayya Kosalla wrote a thesis about cittānupassanā in Korean. This contemplation of the mind will be continuous for the whole vasa (rains retreat) of 3 months.
Words of appreciation from Ayya Kosalla:
“I would like to express my gratitude to all the disciples of the Buddha who passed on the teachings of the Buddha, so that the teachings of the Buddha can continue into present day after more than 2560 years. This timeless study, along with all modern practitioners, will propel the truth towards future generations while honoring those who have perished”.
There are two types of Buddhist meditation methods: Samatha and Vipassanā.
Samatha aims to attain a state of tranquility that is noticeable moment to moment during daily life or tranquility through sitting concentration.
Vipassanā aims to develop inner insight (within the mind/cittā) and wisdom (paññā) to reach Nirvana (Nibbana)— when anguish disappears.
Vipassanā meditation is an important method to understand the Buddha's enlightenment, and according to the early scriptures, the Buddha declared that Vipassanā meditation is the only way to achieve Nirvana (Ekagato Maggo).
To be continued…
With Metta,
Ayyā Kosallā
Edited by Euna Bonovich
If you have any questions related to dhamma & meditation, please feel free to ask. You can reach Ayya Kosalla directly at Bhikkhuni.Kosalla@gmail.com.
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The Korean Dhamma Letter is here 담마레터.
Buddha Sāsanaṁ Ciraṁ Tiṭṭhatu!
May the Buddha’s teachings last a long time!
Bhavatu Sabba Sotiṁ ca Maṅgalaṁ ca!!
May everyone be led on the path of peace and blessing!!
Sādhu Sādhu Sādhu !